We are living in a time unlike any other period in the history of mankind. We have mastered technology to a degree unimaginable just fifty years ago. Various technological achievements have gradually transformed the way human beings perform day to day routines as well as how we interact with one another. However, despite these accomplishments, we have never lived in a more tumultuous time than now. We have simultaneously become the most capable and the most confused generation in history. We are living in times of extreme uncertainty and in an age of extreme opposites. The wealth that certain societies have amassed today dwarfs any past civilizations’ at their most prosperous. Yet at the same time the divide between those who possess such wealth and the poor of the world has never been wider. Even with the advances in medicine and agricultural science, epidemic disease and wide spread famine are approaching record numbers.
Most of the technological advances we see have been transformed into the most awe inspiring destructive forces the world has ever known. If there was ever a time in the history of the Earth that man could bring about what certain people call ‘Armageddon’ or the ‘apocalypse’ , it is indeed now. The nuclear family has become a victim of these times. Drugs, drunkenness, lewdness, and an all-around atmosphere of selfdestructiveness abound and our societies are suffering from the consequences of such behavior.
People do not feel safe in their homes, whether it is the threat of an intruder who is desperate to get money for drugs or the fact that any minute their homes could be incinerated by falling missiles. The ideals of a ‘liberal’ society have opened the door to all things detrimental to human survival. Children are exposed to things that they never should see at such young ages. Yet in the ‘liberal’ society, the desires of the individual take precedence over what is most beneficial to the human family as a whole. People have become slaves to their lower passions because of what is fed to them by the society as ‘liberation’. The result is decadence with no parallel in history. Never have there been more alcoholics, serial killers, rapists, and child molesters than now. This is considered to be a ‘civilized’ society. People are desperate for a solution.
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