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Senin, 15 November 2010

Teaching Vocabulary for Elementary School

The purpose of teaching vocabulary is to help students bring meaning and take the meaning from word signs, signals and symbols. To reach this goal, the students must be taught in many things about word and their ways as well as the words them selves.

Corcoran (1970 : 157) says that the teacher as responsible or teaching students to recognize and identity words, to pronounce word, to analyze and categories words, to read and finally to put words together in phrase, sentence and paragraphs in written language.

To teach vocabulary a teacher must be able to make the students exited about and enjoy learning. As stated by Henson and Janke (1984 :46 ).

The primary goal is not “fun”, but it is well accepted that given several activities which help children acquire an established objective, using those the student enjoy most is more fruitful. It is permissible for learning to be enjoyable. According to forts and Thomas in principle and problem in the elementary school ( 1969 ; 305 - 306 ). The instruction effective to elementary school students.

1. Teacher must be provided that with opportunities for viewing the unique development pattern of each child while simultancously is not similar characteristic in all children.

2. Teacher should help each child realized how own unique growth and style by mastery vocabulary, including how to pronounce, to spell it, then language such as, structure, fluency, and to pace his efforts as. He deals with his learning in his own time.

3. Teacher should encourage children to participate in group,

The mastery vocabulary, including how to pronounce, to spell it, then will very much help the students learn the other components of the language such as, structure, fluency, and vocabulary it self. The vocabulary selection must be adjusted to th6 goal of the teaching of learning language. For example, the Inaction word necessary for the make their teaching succesfull.

Wallace ( 1982 :207 ) explains that teaching vocabulary has to be based on the following things:

a. Aims

The aims have to clear for the teacher; how many of things listed does the teacher expect the learners to be able to achieve the vocabulary ? What's kinds of words?

b. Quantity

Teacher may have decided in the number of vocabulary items to be learned. How new words in a lesson the learners can Jearn? If there are too many words, the learner may become confused or discouraged.

c. Need

In teaching vocabulary, the teacher has to choose the words really needed by the students in communication. They communicate and get the words they needed.

d. Frequent exposure and repetition

Frequent exposure and repetition here means that the teachers should give much practice on repetition so that his students master fee target words well He also should give apportunity to the students to use the words in writing or speaking.

e. Meaningful presentation

In teaching vocabulary, the teacher should present target words in such as, way that their meaning of the target words are perfectly clear and ambiguous.

f. Situation and presentation

The teacher should tell to the students that they have to use words appropnately. They use of words depends on the person to whom they are speaking.

Furthermore,, in teaching vocabulary the teachers can introduce to the class vocabulary that is taken from the books he uses and she can also add other vocabulary that is relevant to the students. By doing that hopefully, the studentswill get more vocabularies in their minds, not only those which are written in the book but also from other sources. The chosen vocabulary should consider several guidelines as suggested by Haycraft (1970 : 44 - 47 ).

a. Commonest Words

They are the word which are commonly used or to the words that the students need. By teaching common word me students will often find them and it will be easy for them to understand and memorize. Therefore in teaching vocabulary that has high frequency hi use, either in the written or in the spoken form. The students should master the vocabulary of high frequency first, before mastering the vocabulary of low frequency.

b. Student’s need

The word that we needed by the students is usually worth to be taught If the students need to learn, because motivated will ensure to use it communication.

Teachers who teach vocabulary have to understand the aim of teaching vocabulary. When teachers present a new vocabulary they should primarily try to enable student to recognize the words and their meaning as meanings perfectly clear, to use the word appropriately well depend on the situation. They should give more emphasizes on vocabulary that is very useful for them in learning English. The teachers have to use the best Techniques to make their teaching successful.

1 komentar:

  1. Hallo kaqk, saya sedang melakukan penelitian tentang vocabulary dan untungnya saya bisa menemukan salah 1 blok kakak. untuk itu bolehkah saya minta referensi-referensi kakak untuk menambah point saya nanti?, makasih :)
